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character certificate

Character Certificate Format | How To Make Character Certificate | Character Certificate Letter | Download Character Certificate Sample

Character certificate format is also known as the Charitra Praman Patra (चरित्र प्रमाण पत्र ), as the name says certifies that the bearer holds a satisfactory moral character. It also signifies that the bearer has no criminal cases against him/her.  

A character certificate is an essential document mostly desired by the government companies, educational institutions and private companies, etc.

As the document certifies that the bearer has no complaints against him/her the individual can be hired or given the admission. 

A character certificate is mostly issued by the police. Hence it’s also known as the police verification certificate/letter. The certificate is also issued by the educational institutions, government authorities like panchayat, local SEO, MLA and MP. 

Mostly, character certificates are issued by the schools to certify the moral characters of their students seeking admissions in new schools or colleges. The certificates are issued and signed by the principals or the institution. 

It is also issued and sought by the private and government employers to safeguard their working culture. 

Character certificates are also required at the time of applying for overseas travel, jobs or education. 

The issuing authority may have their own experience certificate format, however, there are several common formats for character certificates that you can use. 

If you are an individual seeking a character certificate, you may want to check out application/request for character certificate format.

Character certificate request letter from school/Application for character certificate


The Principal,

School Name


Respected Sir/ Madam

Subject: Request for character certificate 

I, (NAME) am an ex student of your school. I have studied in class _____, Roll Number___, Division _____ of your school during the academic year________ . I have applied for further studies with ______ school/college. I need a character certificate to secure the admission. 

I have enclosed my identity card and other documents for your reference. I would like to request you to issue a character certificate at the earliest. 

Thanking you

Yours faithfully,

If you are a person of authority looking for character certificate formats, we have a few samples for your reference. 

This article includes, how to write a character certificate, the key elements of a character certificate, what documents you need to verify before issuing one and character certificate formats. 

Issuing a character certificate to an individual with criminal background or someone you don’t know personally can put you in a bad situation.

Once you receive an application for a character certificate, You must verify the individual’s identity, check his documents and ask for witnesses to ascertain that the individual holds no criminal or antisocial background. 

If you find something suspicious, you must ask for clarifications. And if you are not satisfied with the answers, you must refrain from issuing the character certificate. 

How to write a character certificate?

Writing an acceptable character certificate is easy, in the next few steps we will guide you through the important elements of a character certificate and how to write it. 

You may consider below mentioned points to understand the important elements for a character certificate letter

  1. The certificate must be properly labeled as “character certificate”
  2. The certificate must contain the date of issue
  3. The address and the contact details of authority must be there on the certificate
  4. The letter/certificate must be issued on the letterhead of the organisation/institution.
  5. It must contain the details of the individual like full name, address and identity marks.
  6. If the letter is being issued to an employee, it must contain the details like employee ID, date of joining and date of exit.
  7. If the letter is being issued to a student, the certificate must contain the roll number and academic year.
  8. The police verification letter can be obtained from the police authorities and they have their own certificate format.
  9. The certificate must contain the details of the legal cases if any.
  10. It must be duly signed and stamped by a person of authority.

Character certificate format

Character Certificate 


I,we certify that ____________________, resident of ____________________. I have known the individual for the last 3 years. I, we also certify that the …………. Has an excellent moral character. 

As per the best of my knowledge, The person does not have any legal cases against him. 



Character Certificate Format

Employee character certificate format


To whomsoever concerned,

This is to certify that Mr./Miss (Name ) (Employee ID), (Designation) has been employed with our organization for a duration of 2 years between ( dates to dates). And we have found him/her to be an excellent moral character. 

We have also found the conduct and behaviour of Mr./Miss (Name) to be satisfactory for the duration. We also certify to the best of our knowledge that he/she has no legal cases against him.  

We wish him best for his future endeavours. 

(Name of Department)

Signing authority 

Character certificate for Employee

School/College Character certificate format

Institution Name


Character Certificate 


Head of Department/ Issuing Authority

This is to certify that Mr/Master/Miss (Name of the student), roll no………. Division…… S/o / D/o ……………….. has studied in this institution from (Start Year) to (End Year).  We proudly certify that the student bears an excellent moral and character. 

During his/her entire academic year he/she has neither displayed any violence or anti-social behaviour towards others.

Singing authority 



This is to be certified that Mr/Ms. …………………………………………………………………. son/daughter/wife of Shri …………………………………………………… is well known to me since last …..…….. years and ………….…… months. 

To the best of my knowledge and belief he/she bears a good moral character and has nothing which debars his/her suitability for Government Job. Mr/Ms. …………………………………………. is not related to me. 

I wish him/her all the successes in his/her life.

 Place: ………………… 

Signature …………….………. 

Dated: ……………….. 


An avid reader who loves reading sci-fi and modern mysteries. Partake in endless conversations, and find new friends along the way. I have 13+ years of experience working in industries ranging from tech start-ups to HR bigshots. I have found that nothing satisfies me more than meeting new people, developing new relations, gaining and sharing knowledge, solving problems, and contributing to the overall growth of the business.

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